
Showing posts from November, 2017

Food chains must be chained

Yes there are big changes coming but what’s new???

Mohammed Assaf....nice voice...but low character

Dear brother Jordanians...Jordan is only for you..but be patient please

El Musheer....choose the time to act

Greek people deserve the best

Filipinos are the very fragile people...and kind comment

British...great educators....

I don't like french people or french producers...

Chinese reflexology is great

History History History.....YOUTUBE

Dreams are only dreams...regardless of nationality

If you obtain an Arabic passport,keep it. It's priceless.

Tonalt the best president ever..

Banghalies...not this...not that...something in-between.

Everybody knew who best kisser....Abu Ammar...✌️✌️✌️

Yes I want to be the king...☝️

G going public...

Do you know why Yemenis always happy.....Because they understand...

Good people are more than we think..

When you are free...promises fulfills..

Palestinians of 48 are situated....tell when....???????

Palestinians on all sides...are right.

Ah..we don't take compensation as well

Because earth is round...reserves remains in......

If you step into my territory i will protest

Sheikh Sabah

Our gulf a Ku-wait !!!!!! revolutionary...

Islamic republican of Iran...are heroic

Baghdad is the capital...

I want to serve Jordan.

Russia... Get hell out of syria  🇸🇾 I suggest something else Get the hell out.... God

What is the meaning of saluting my officer using left hand??

What is peace without people’s defending????

Until when will Israel and USA burden the blame of history????

Denying holocaust must be criminalized in the Arab countries!!

Gaza sneeze Israel cry wet

Russian State is still pagan

Bin Salman... one game changer...

Ambassadors like to stay home...

I want Jerusalem back...

Iraq needs to tell Russia to Fuck off - Our Syria is Our Syria